
Types of Collaboration

Collaborative education programs

Collaborative education programs can offer student recruitment opportunities, increase 海角大神’s visibility in other countries and with international institutions of higher education, and foster faculty research collaboration. Academic units at 海角大神 may consider any of the following to diversify their international engagements. 

Degree-granting collaborative education programs

Academic units may structure opportunities for students at international institutions of higher education to earn a degree at Indiana University.

Dual and joint degrees pose reputational risks to 海角大神 and, therefore, must be carefully considered. Such degrees are approved only with primary partners of 海角大神 or with leading peer institutions that have parallel strengths in a particular field of study. These programs involve a two-way flow of students, meaning that they are open to students from both 海角大神 and the partnering institution, and require substantial collaboration between faculty members. Joint degrees involve collaboration by an 海角大神 academic unit and a partner institution to offer a degree program that neither would have the resources to offer without combining expertise and instruction; upon completion of a joint degree program, both institutions' names appear on the diploma. Joint degrees are considered new degrees and must be approved by the Board of Trustees. Because of their complexity and the time commitment required for their development and approval, joint degrees are rarely considered by 海角大神 academic units.

Cooperative education programs, or facilitated transfer programs, are designed to make the transfer process easier for international students who are interested in earning a degree at 海角大神. A student's home institution, at its discretion, may accept the credits that the student earns at 海角大神 and confer a separate degree. These programs may be done with existing partners of 海角大神 or in affiliation with a non-partner institution.

Types of cooperative education (transfer) programs

Undergraduate transfer
Students complete one or two years at their home institution and transfer to 海角大神 for completion of an undergraduate degree. Students must complete at least 50 percent of all credit hours required for a degree while in residence at 海角大神.
Undergraduate-master's 3+2
Students complete three years at their home institution and transfer to 海角大神 for completion of a master's degree. The home institution may count specified courses at 海角大神 toward a student’s undergraduate degree.
Undergraduate-master's 4+1
Students transfer graduate level credits to 海角大神 completed in the fourth year at their home institution and finish the remaining credits for a master’s degree at 海角大神. Best option for professional master’s programs.

Other types of collaborative education programs

  • Visiting student programs: Students from an international university spend a semester or academic year at 海角大神 as full-time non-degree seeking students or as participants in special short-term programs (for credit or non-credit). Student must be admitted to 海角大神 and meet all admissions standards, including English language proficiency. The international university may be affiliated with 海角大神 solely for the purposes of the visiting student program or may be an existing partner.
  • Summer research experience: Undergraduate students from a partner institution come to 海角大神, typically after their third year, for a research experience, ranging from a six-week summer to a full semester placement, in a lab setting (commonly in the hard sciences, though not limited to those disciplines). Departments and/or labs at 海角大神 may provide funding for the participating students, or alternatively, require registration in research/internship credit.
  • Certificate programs: Academic units at 海角大神 may collaborate with international institutions or organizations for the purpose of offering an existing certificate or designing a new one.
  • Micro-credentials: Academic units at 海角大神 may offer more targeted “bite size” chunks of supplemental education in collaboration with international institutions or organizations that address an identified skills or knowledge gap in a particular profession or field. Micro-credentials may be stackable, and they may include work-based or experiential learning models.

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