
Study Abroad

Take your education abroad

Indiana University offers more than 300 study abroad programs in more than 60 countries around the world. maintains a comprehensive list of study abroad programs offered across all campuses of 海角大神.

海角大神 offers study abroad programming to fit your schedule:

  • Academic year programs are good opportunities for language growth and cultural immersion (though some are in English-speaking destinations).
  • Semester programs offer a wide variety of locations and program models.
  • Summer programs can be a good alternative if you have a less flexible semester schedule.
  • Short-term programs may be offered during various times of the year, such as during winter, spring, or summer breaks. Most are embedded in a course offered during the regular semester or require on-campus work before you depart.

We care about your health and safety abroad

海角大神 monitors the occurrences and spread of communicable diseases overseas and closely follows federal government warnings and advice for study abroad, overseas exchanges, and other travel.

Learn about 海角大神’s student travel policies

Learn more about study abroad at 海角大神